Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag witchcraft

Film Masters Features Two Roger Corman Classics on The Terror

Per Matt Ah, Roger Corman. If ever there was a filmmaker who could create more with less, it’s clearly him. Now, suppose you wanted to crank out an entire movie within two days on a whim with zero budget… then,… Continue Reading →

The Complete Story of Film is Innovative, Emotional and Opinionated

Per Matt William Goldman once said, “Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work.” Amen to that. The Oscar-winning screenwriter/quote machine knew the Hollywood risk-to-reward ratio was a fickle thing, one… Continue Reading →

The Nun II is a Jump Scare-Filled Disappointment

Experiencing true fear from a horror film is a rare feat for me. I distinctly remember the first time it happened, back in the early ’90s on Halloween night. I hosted a party with friends, and after grilling, gaming and… Continue Reading →

Eli Roth Gets Demonic with The Legion of Exorcists

Per Matt Eli Roth has been a welcome addition to the Travel Channel lineup. The filmmaker, known for his brutal horror films, has seemingly slashed his way onto the network’s permanent programming grid, providing some pretty good chills in the… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Productions Must Release Another Compendium of Horror!

Per Matt As All Hallows’ Eve grows ever closer and the spooky season simply seems way too short, Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror comes to a head. But why must this be the conclusion for such a great limited series? Now,… Continue Reading →

Next of Kin: What Happened to the Paranormal Activity Franchise?

Per Matt Paranormal Activity was lightning in a bottle for Blumhouse Productions back in 2007. The micro-budgeted film spawned a franchise, building a house of horrors for Producer Jason Blum. Now that the spooky season is upon us, I chose… Continue Reading →

Hocus Pocus 2 Has All the Charm of the First Film, But Will That Work in 2022?

October is upon us, for 2022. We can expect many horror films, family friendly spooks and pumpkin-spiced everything to envelope all the senses. I particularly love this season, ’cause of the opening of the annual haunted attractions and hayrides. But,… Continue Reading →

The Northman is Brutal, But Anya is Brilliant!

Per Matt When you’re depicting an action-drama historical film that focuses on a medieval Scandinavian legend, which itself is the direct inspiration of Prince Hamlet’s character, you’ve got a great start. But when the movie in question is The Northman,… Continue Reading →

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