Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Yu-Gi-Oh!

Previewing MTAC 16-Bit

The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention returns for its 16th-year anniversary on Friday, March 25 through Sunday the 27th, so attendees can expect a large celebration of anime, manga, popular arts and Japanese culture at the event.

Surviving MTAC In Love

Per Matt In 2014, MTAC In Love celebrated all the elements that make up successful fandoms… everything that can lead fans to fall for their favorite TV shows, movies, comics, books, video games and anything else!

MTAC Interview: LittleKuriboh

Per Matt Martin Billany, aka LittleKuriboh, visited the Media Suite at the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention for an interview discussing starting a trend (and creating many imitators in the process) with Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, his first serious video… Continue Reading →

MTAC Interview: Dan Green

Per Matt At the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, Dan Green made his first appearance at an American anime convention in many years. During his interview within the Media Suite, he discussed voicing his ultimate dream roles (hint: there’s more… Continue Reading →

MTAC Interview: Eric Stuart

Per Matt At the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, actor/director/singer/songwriter/guitarist Eric Stuart visited the Media Suite for an interview discussing his fan-funded album contributed by many anime fans, detailing his motivation for voicing James and working on the TV show… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Stephanie Todd

Per Matt: She’s gonna graduate with horrors!

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