In the aptly named season premiere, The Walking Dead picks up immediately where the previous season left off. Our intrepid band of survivors attempts to escape the zombie-filled confines of Atlanta, GA en route to Ft. Benning. But along the way, car troubles stall their efforts. While Dale repairs his vehicle, the others scavenge for water, clothes and other necessities until a “herd” (or is it a wandering pack?) of zombies swarm and eventually chase one of the survivors into the woods, who gets lost. While the search continues in the woods, the inter-relational drama is ratched up via the survivors. It is here where the show bogs down and becomes a little bit boring. The majority of the episode is filmed in a rural setting, mostly happening in the woods. This can be a good thing for the show. A change of scenery can make the show feel more intimate, the survivors a little more at ease, and out-of-nowhere attacks by hidden zombies even more terrifying. It’s a nice move out of the city with many good possible future storylines to come. It was most likely a cost-effective decision by the production company as well.

The episode is uneven at times. When the action is happening, the show is a non-stop thrill ride. But when there’s a pause in the action, all momentum is lost. I hope future episodes can average out the peaks and valleys so they aren’t so severe. Season Two is also upping the gross factor, with much more grisly goriness and sound effects are magnified to unreal intensity on the screen. While this was a Carol-centric episode, Glenn and T-Dog were basically forgotten for the entire 90-minute runtime of the episode. The unexpected cliffhanger of the first episode gives hope to the show’s fans, or it’s a clear sign of copying the format of “Lost.”

Episode Strength: Non-stop chase scenes.
Episode Weakness: Too much talking in between.
WTF Moment: T-Dog sliced a 3-foot gash in his arm that was bleeding profusely, then gets a tiny patch (and no stitches) later. And then he’s magically healed.
Stereotype of the Episode: The stumbling bad guy (zombie) chasing and eventually catching up to a young, running female in the woods, who happens to fall and scream for more attention.

Broken Rules of the Show:
– Never let zombie blood touch you or you’ll get infected. Apparently Andrea is immune, because she got it all over her face in the RV.
– The only way zombies can’t smell humans is when zombie blood is smeared all over humans. That, or have the humans hide underneath cars. Whichever is more cost-effective for the episode.
– Children, never leave the sight of your parents. Children never mind their parents’ rules.
– Don’t make a promise you can’t keep. And don’t mention it within the first five minutes of the episode, an easy case of foreshadowing.

Noteworthy Quotes:
– “I have a few mistakes under my belt, Lori. So do you.”
– “They don’t get winded. I do.”
– “That is one tricky hose.”

Review: 3/5