When it comes to TV watching, my habits are a little different. I’ll always set a season pass on my DVR for something I’m interested in checking out. I’ll either watch a program live (if I have enough stamina to stay awake that long), or I’ll make immediate excuses to catch it later and binge watch entire seasons at a time. That’s what happened recently with The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

If you were ever a skeptic in the paranormal, definitely give this show some time. That opinion will absolutely change. I finally made a solid effort to watch one of my favorite shows and in the process, watching Season 4 and 5 together in their entirety.

“When the cameras stop rolling on Skinwalker Ranch, the research continues…”

It seems the science projects have only gotten more complex while focusing on specific hot spots throughout the property and the resulting high strangeness continues to amaze. Redneck Rocket Scientist Travis Taylor briefly dealt with trust issues among his team after revealing his top-secret UAPTF role to Congress and eventual returning to work within the private sector. Technologist Pete Kelsey seems to be a good luck charm, always eliciting new scientific findings each time he visits the property and the hornets’ nest was aggressively poked yet again; the resulting phenomena was numerous.

Inviting an indigenous tribe seemed successful as temperature changes during the Blazing Bear drum circle performance — an experiment that was replicated on Beyond Skinwalker Ranch — may have led to an open portal/wormhole nearby, as an environmental scan proved.

Drilling into the mesa proved difficult, as a 400-foot-long, dome-shaped anomaly was discovered, and trace amounts of Zinc selenide were found, a metallic substance used to protect NASA’s space shuttles. And then there were the rocket malfunctions, GPS devices finding possible underground tunnels and the appearance of a mid-day metallic orb!

So, what exactly is inside the rocky mesa? This was a major focus of Season 5. Multiple attempts at drilling two boreholes were met with broken equipment, transmission troubles and shocking surges. More mysterious signals, energy spikes, random radiation releases and rocket launches led to evidence of both a blob-like anomaly and a cone-shaped anomaly within the nearby airspace. With aerial objects disappearing into thin air (and re-appearing) numerous times, evidence of a possible traversable wormhole around The Triangle and the East Field gets supported.

Cattle mutilations, malfunctioning drone swarms (multiple times), aerial interference, goofed-up GPS devices, unexpected UAPs, orbs flying into the mesa and out of the other side and evidence of a possible dire wolf (an extinct creature from 10,000 years ago) proved incredible, but believable. Confirmation of UFO wreckage wasn’t the most bizarre situation, comparably.  That might have been a mid-air object stopping, completely still, as if it was inside The Matrix and everything around us was programmed. That was spooky.

The final ambitious, apprehensively complicated operation of the season resulted in weeks and months of data analyzing, which will surely be addressed next season. Matty Blake provided the Oak Island treatment with Skinwalker Ranch: Inside the Gates, for more behind-the-scenes deep dives and it seems some progress is finally being made at the ranch. I really can’t get enough of this show, despite answers to the proposed questions never being fully resolved.

As a fan of mad science, could this be a real-life Rick and Morty storyline? Feels like it, at times.

I’m really looking forward to seeing what the crew will discover next, and maybe even open up the mouth of the collapsed cave-like tunnel leading below the mesa. Electronics always seem to be hit or miss on the property, constantly malfunctioning or losing power, so whatever happens next, I hope the cameras are always running and will catch it!