Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag NASA scientists

Film Masters Unleashes the Blood Beast and Yvette Vickers!

You’ve got to hand it to Roger Corman: He sure knows how to make low-budget monster movies memorable! With Night of the Blood Beast Special Edition, Film Masters releases a new 4K restoration from original 35mm archival elements in a… Continue Reading →

Skinwalker’s Still Strange: The Setbacks of Season 5

When it comes to TV watching, my habits are a little different. I’ll always set a season pass on my DVR for something I’m interested in checking out. I’ll either watch a program live (if I have enough stamina to… Continue Reading →

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch Explores Even More Unusual Phenomena

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch continues to prove with each and every episode that something strange is happening within the Uinta Basin. But what if there were just as many unusual phenomena happening outside the property’s borders? Beyond Skinwalker Ranch… Continue Reading →

Good Night Oppy Gives Me All the Feels

Per Matt The search for drinkable water on the Red Planet can be a grueling one, but never miss a golden Opportunity to go the distance. When NASA’s Mars Program sent two autonomous solar-powered rovers to the fourth rock from… Continue Reading →

History Investigates the Cursed Waters of The Bermuda Triangle

Alien abductions, electronic fog, rogue waves, methane gas, vortexes and unusual phenomena; many strange incidents have occurred within the 500,000 square-mile enigma known as the Bermuda Triangle, and these are only a few of the elements blamed for countless ship… Continue Reading →

New Quantum Leap Shows Promise, But Past Links Dim the Future

Per Matt Quantum Leap has finally returned, but this time without Dr. Samuel Beckett. Oh… boy.

Testing the Triangle: A Tantalizing Task at Skinwalker Ranch

Per Matt Ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Where unusual, unexplained phenomena exist, and each scientifically sound theory used to gain more background information just doesn’t seem to work out, even though every law of nature… Continue Reading →

Moonfall Truly is a Disaster Film

Roland Emmerich’s new sci-fi film, Moonfall, may have a pretty big cast full of A-list names, but that only will take a film so far. Kinda surprising to me, as I looked over this cast list long before checking this… Continue Reading →

Interplanetary Travel Looks Great in the 4K Restoration of Flight to Mars

Per Matt “Fifty years into the future!” was the tagline to the cult classic Flight to Mars. Originally released in 1951, this sci-fi gem provided ahead-of-its-time thoughts on everything from interplanetary travel to the responsible use of natural resources. Seventy… Continue Reading →

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