Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag electronic experiments

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts for A Different Man

A24’s A Different Man is essentially the male counterpart of The Substance. Both films explore the societal pressures on individuals and how these pressures influence our actions, particularly regarding our appearances. The Substance explores America’s obsession with life-altering drugs and… Continue Reading →

Skinwalker’s Still Strange: The Setbacks of Season 5

When it comes to TV watching, my habits are a little different. I’ll always set a season pass on my DVR for something I’m interested in checking out. I’ll either watch a program live (if I have enough stamina to… Continue Reading →

Testing the Triangle: A Tantalizing Task at Skinwalker Ranch

Per Matt Ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Where unusual, unexplained phenomena exist, and each scientifically sound theory used to gain more background information just doesn’t seem to work out, even though every law of nature… Continue Reading →

Season Finale Peels Back Skinwalker Ranch’s Secrets

Per Matt Animal mutilations. Strange sicknesses. Bizarre lights. Black helicopters. Random radiation spikes (and the subsequent burns). A secret chamber full of unknown bones and unidentified flying objects. The Secret to Skinwalker Ranch attempts to expose the truth behind it… Continue Reading →

What’s the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch?

Many, many paranormal and supernatural anomalies can be found on the mysterious 512-acre plot of land in Uintah County, Utah. And a new investigative group has formed to explore the unknown in The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

MomoCon Interview: The Extraordinary Contraptions

Per Matt Recently, at MomoCon, The Extraordinary Contraptions performed multiple concerts for the anime and gaming crowd in Atlanta, GA. This steampunk-infused rock band took a break during the convention to discuss their latest trans-dimensional adventures. A lawman, a time… Continue Reading →

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