Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag 1960s

Hidden Figures Uncovers NASA’s Behind-the-Scenes Brilliance

Per Matt When it comes to underdog movies, I’m a huge fan. I absolutely love them. There’s something about a group of characters overcoming huge odds and finding success by the film’s conclusion that always interests me. But when you… Continue Reading →


David Duchovny returns to network TV (and prepares for The X-Files) as a ’60s detective in Aquarius.

Cosplayer of the Month: Shannon Prince

Per Matt Shannon Prince is one half of Nashville’s Dark Knight duo and she is our Cosplayer of the Month. In our interview, we discuss the couple’s charity work, preview the upcoming Geek Media Expo and prepare ourselves for the… Continue Reading →


With the Creepy Factor set to maximum, how could I have missed this one at the movie theaters?

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