Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag 2012

Redbox Rental: Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection

If you’re going to unofficially remake the George Romero undead classic, placing events in present-day Wales, you’ve got the makings of a hit movie, right?

Discovery Channel’s How Will The World End?

It’s the End of the World, as we know it… but how will it really end? The Mayans were way off. This psuedo-documentary presents five possible cataclysmic scenarios that might actually happen… at some point.

“All in all, it’s a fine day for an Apocalypse.”

In a desperate attempt to clean out my Tivo (and to cash in on all of The End of The World nonsense), I finally got around to watching the Futurama episode, A Farewell to Arms. This WGA-award-winning episode depicts an… Continue Reading →

Attending Attractions: Nashville Zombie Walk 2012

Per Matt: This weekend was monumental, in Middle Tennessee. Saturday, October 13th was marked as World Zombie Day and to kick off festivities, hordes of the undead descended upon downtown for the Nashville Zombie Walk 2012.

Guess Who’s Back This Weekend?

As if a lost family member has wandered home, guess who’s back? And not a moment too soon! As a Public Service Announcement, don’t forget to set your Tivos for this weekend: The Walking Dead returns! Officially, the Season Three… Continue Reading →

A Funny Thing Happened, On The Way To Atlanta…

I visited a friend who lives in Atlanta last week. As we got to talking, it just so happened that a well-known actress from The Walking Dead had recently rented out a house in her neighborhood, living on her street…. Continue Reading →

Honda Civic: Good Enough for a Zombie!

Hedging their bets on the end of the world and an impending Zombie Apocalypse, Honda has rolled out a new advertising campaign to promote its line of Civic automobiles to the legions of undead! With the end of the Mayan… Continue Reading →

Zombies in the New Year

So, it’s come to this: The year of 2012. The year of the Zombie! Each year, Zombies seem to lurk into Pop Culture more and more, and 2012 sees the popularity of Zombies at an all-time high. The Walking Dead… Continue Reading →

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