Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag alternate dimensions

Sorry, Haters. Into the Spider-verse Doesn’t Suck. At All.

Drive around the block and find something else to crap on, neck-beard cynics and unappeasable uber-nerds. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse isn’t your newest victim. I mean, I’m sure it will be, anyway, but the civilized world knows it’s… amazing.

The Shape of Water, Rick and Morty Win Critics’ Choice Awards

In case you missed the big news last week, The Shape of Water won four Critics’ Choice Awards (tied with HBO’s Big Little Lies as the most awards won throughout the night). As excited as we are for Guillermo del… Continue Reading →

Marvel Mutates Source Material Into a Gifted TV Series

When a television pilot introduces a new series with characters who are, “a couple of freaks, same as you,” I immediately perked up. The Gifted had my full attention. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the generic teeny bopper-outsiders soap opera… Continue Reading →

I Turned Myself Into a Pickle! I’m Pickle Rick!

Why would anyone turn themself into a pickle?

Rick and Morty Beyond Thunderdome

In a Mad Max-like wasteland, Morty and Summer find ways to take their minds off their parents’ divorce while adventuring with their mad scientist grandpa, Rick.

Rick and Morty’s Unexpected Return

In some kind of reverse April Fools’ Day prank, last night Cartoon Network aired a new episode of Rick and Morty. I found it completely by accident.

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

Samurai Jack is Back From the Dead!

Jack is back. Back from the past. How ’bout that?

Paging Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer’s Comic-Book Roots

With the motion-picture premiere of Doctor Strange hitting movie theaters, the comic-book origins forecast an intricate future for Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme.

Feast Your Eyes: Doctor Strange Delivers Stunning Effects In A 3-D Must-See

Marvel Studios’ latest entry into their massively successful Cinematic Universe and equally massive storyline, Doctor Strange, is kicking off November with a true spectacle of visual effects. Yes, the film also boasts some of Benedict Cumberbatch’s best work. Yes, it… Continue Reading →

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