Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag ancient curse

Exhuma is the Most Fun You Will Have with the Supernatural This Year

Superstitions about dead relatives have always fascinated me, deeply rooted in both cultural heritage and personal experience. Growing up, I was surrounded by tales and beliefs about how the spirits of our deceased loved ones linger around us, influencing our… Continue Reading →

Dan Aykroyd’s Paranormal Pop-Culture Renaissance

Per Matt If there’s something strange, and it don’t look good… who ya gonna call? Well, it’s usually Dan Aykroyd who answers the bell. You may recognize the Not Ready for Prime Time Player from old-school Saturday Night Live seasons…. Continue Reading →

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch Explores Even More Unusual Phenomena

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch continues to prove with each and every episode that something strange is happening within the Uinta Basin. But what if there were just as many unusual phenomena happening outside the property’s borders? Beyond Skinwalker Ranch… Continue Reading →

Scream’s Shock Doc Brings True Terror to the Film Franchise

Shock Doc Sundays has a nice ring to it, especially when they air after the awards season, during the brief dead zone for major sporting events — that’s after the Super Bowl ends, but before Major League Baseball begins. If… Continue Reading →

Testing the Triangle: A Tantalizing Task at Skinwalker Ranch

Per Matt Ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Where unusual, unexplained phenomena exist, and each scientifically sound theory used to gain more background information just doesn’t seem to work out, even though every law of nature… Continue Reading →

Clues are Unearthed, But Still No Lost Gold of the Aztecs

Patience is a virtue. Uncovering clues takes time and deciphering them can take even more! As three teams attempt to locate a mysterious treasure that’s seemingly always out of reach, I’m left wondering where is the Lost Gold of the… Continue Reading →

Vengeful Spirit Makes a Terrible Roommate in Room 203

Over the years I have found myself needing to share living expenses with another person. Back in 1996, I was lucky enough to actually get a friend of mine as a roommate in college. I have had some good roomies… Continue Reading →

Lost Gold of the Aztecs Feels Like a Game Show

Treasure hunting is an expensive ordeal, one which takes up a lot of precious time and energy. Nobody intends to waste their resources while going on a wild goose chase. For those who are in it to win it, these… Continue Reading →

Moon Knight May Be Too Complicated for Viewers

Marvel Comics has many properties to pull from. The MCU is already filled with some of the most beloved characters of all time. From Iron Man, Captain America and Spider-Man to Black Widow, Guardians of the Galaxy and the Scarlet… Continue Reading →

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