Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Anime Music Video Contest

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Previewing MTAC 16-Bit

The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention returns for its 16th-year anniversary on Friday, March 25 through Sunday the 27th, so attendees can expect a large celebration of anime, manga, popular arts and Japanese culture at the event.

Previewing MTAC 15 to Life

MTAC 15 to Life is fast approaching. Don’t get locked up and miss out on all the festivities!

MTAC 15 to Life Interview: Nicholas Qualls

Per Matt Don’t let MTAC 15 to Life be a hair-raising experience. Previewing the 2015 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, we spoke with Middle Tennessee Anime Convention Executive Director Nicholas Qualls about the fast-approaching event and look forward to its return… Continue Reading →

Surviving Yama-Con: Round Two

Per Matt Wrapping up the coverage of our final 2013 convention, Yama-Con did not fail to deliver the heat.

Yama-Con Preview

Starting today, Yama-Con, the fan-operated convention focused around anime, manga, comics and video games at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee begins!

Middle Tennessee Anime Convention Preview

We’re on the road to the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention this weekend!

Middle Tennessee Anime Convention: The ConKitty Interview

Per My Brother While visiting Atlanta, GA and attending MomoCon recently, I spotted a familiar logo. The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention (or MTAC for short) held a vendor’s table throughout the show, so I struck up a conversation with the… Continue Reading →

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