Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Bart

The Simpsons: An Uncensored, Unauthorized History

When a TV show becomes a pop-culture sensation, how does one chronicle its backstory?

The Simpsons Arcade Game

What happens when Homer, Bart, Marge and Lisa team up to rescue the kidnapped baby, Maggie?

MomoCon Panel: Mike Reiss, Writer for The Simpsons

Per Matt Mike Reiss is an American comedy writer. Before working in Hollywood, Reiss attended Harvard with his roommate (and future Simpsons co-conspirator Al Jean) and wrote for the Harvard Lampoon. After graduating, he wrote for various TV shows, including… Continue Reading →

“The apocalypse is coming. Maybe not tomorrow… maybe never. But it’s coming. And soon.”

This screen-grab is from The Simpsons episode Adventures in Baby-Getting.

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