Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Blogging For Books

Studying the Ghosts From Our Past

Halloween is the primary time of year when people actually enjoy getting spooked. Horror movies, haunted houses and things that go bump in the night get pushed to the backburner during all other times, but for some people, the studying of spirits… Continue Reading →

Video Game Storytelling

Per Matt Video games, much like blockbuster movies and best-selling novels are crafted with extremely tight deadlines and trying circumstances, but that doesn’t mean their storylines should receive the short end of the stick, when it comes to the development… Continue Reading →

Food: A Love Story

Per Matt Thanksgiving, Christmas and possibly New Year’s Eve: They’re all holidays that are closely associated with food. Since the holiday season is wrapping up on New Year’s Day, what better time to review Food: A Love Story?

Crap Taxidermy

Per Matt If you ever wondered what an earless snow leopard, a snaggletoothed bat or the ultra-rare Assquatch looked like, then wonder no more. All of this and many more oddly stuffed critters from all over the world appear in… Continue Reading →

Words For Pictures

Per Matt How does one break into the comic book industry? It’s a tried-but-true question that established writers, artists and editors get asked on a daily basis. Attempting to help answer this question, Brian Michael Bendis has written Words For… Continue Reading →

Robert Ripley: A Curious Man

Per Matt Robert Ripley’s rags-to-riches journey becoming one of America’s first media celebrities is almost as bizarre as some of his unusual (but truthful) cartoons.

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