Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag bookstore

The Rings of Power is Not Your Father’s Lord of the Rings

Amazon Studios’ newest TV series, The Rings of Power, has been getting much attention. Like anything in the Internet Age, you either have to 100 percent hate or 100 percent love the show, as the Lords of Tweets and Outrage… Continue Reading →

The Haunted South: Where Ghosts Still Roam

Per Matt True-life tales of terror tend to thrill me more than fake ones, as the truth is usually stranger than fiction. This is the reason why, once I randomly located The Haunted South: Where Ghosts Still Roam, written by… Continue Reading →

Neil Gaiman Dreams Dangerously

Per Matt I have had a love affair with books for a long time, now. I remember checking out unusual novels in elementary school, but I guess it really amplified when I was a teenager. Certain topics and certain authors… Continue Reading →

Closing Mad Magazine: What, Me Worry?

Per MattFor 67 years, Mad Magazine has been an irreverent mainstay, satirizing everything from politics to the entertainment industry. Soon, Mad will close up shop, wrapping up production on new content and with the permanent closing of its doors, I… Continue Reading →

Tina Guo’s Electric Cello Highlights Game On!

If you think you hear The Legend of Zelda theme song being played overhead in your favorite retail bookstore or coffee shop, don’t worry, you’re not going crazy. That’s just the music of Tina Guo. What’s more, she’s playing the… Continue Reading →

Why You Should Read American Gods Right Now

“All your questions can be answered, if that is what you want. But once you learn your answers, you can never unlearn them.”  ― Neil Gaiman, American Gods Chances are that if you keep up with this blog, then you also… Continue Reading →

Nashville Beer Interview with Chris Chamberlain

Per Matt Finding a locally brewed craft beer in the Music City hasn’t always been easy. For quite a while, Middle Tennessee didn’t even have a single brewery within its borders. Food, Drink and Travel Writer Chris Chamberlain has written… Continue Reading →

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