Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag burlesque show

Previewing Nightmare Boudoir Vol. II

Something titillating is stirring inside the boudoir…

After a Summer of World-Class Fandom Conventions in Nashville, Can Wizard Deliver?

It is fair to say these days that Nashville is a city by which many things can be measured. Like the exploding food scene, hospitality industry, real-estate boom, and so much more going on in Music City, the fandom community… Continue Reading →

Babes in Geekland: Big Daddy Cool and The Bombshell Kittens at Hypericon

I’ve always wanted to see a burlesque show. I’ve tried to make it out to more than a few throughout the years, but every time I get a chance to head out and see an act, I get sidetracked and… Continue Reading →

Restoring My Faith in Cons: A Hypericon 12 Review

My first convention experience was terrible. It was a Star Trek convention at the old Nashville Convention Center in the early ’90s full of elaborate cosplays, most of which were just good enough that the 8-year-old little Danno ended up… Continue Reading →

Glamour Geek Revue Interview: Talloolah Love

Per Matt Dragon Con 2013 offers a burlesque variety show that reveals a wide-range of characters!

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