Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Call of Duty

John Wick: Chapter 4 Brings the Adrenaline of a Nonstop Video Game

The action movie scene has been hot over the past few years. Be it Bad Boys for Life, Birds of Prey or even a multitude of MCU movies, finding some fun thrills at your local theater or streaming service of… Continue Reading →

Zombie Games Seem to be Dying a Fast Death

With Telltale Games closing up shop not too long ago and publisher Overkill cancelling its console release of The Walking Dead, is the state of Zombie video games decaying?

James Gunn, Twitter and Other Things That Will Offend You

You are about to be offended. The fact that I even have to open an article with that statement infuriates me. But, since we live in an age of instant communication, where no one listens and everyone insists on shouting,… Continue Reading →

Just Avoid This Game. You’ll Survive.

Maybe I’m an old-school gamer, but I remember when video games used to be fun and were also released only once they were finished. Just Survive is dead as a game and should be avoided like the Zombie plague.

Telltale Games Takes The Walking Dead Into A New Frontier

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is a video game series based on Robert Kirkman’s comic book series of the same name. Telltale Games, which has made a name for itself in the episodic interactive drama graphic-adventure genre, developed and… Continue Reading →

The Zombie Apocalypse is Coming to Nashville

Picture it now: You and your friends are trapped inside the confines of one of the scariest haunted attractions in the country. Alone in the dark, you are being hunted by the walking dead, vile creatures hellbent on feasting on… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Way Late Play Date: Dystopian Worlds

Per Matt This is the end. Do you have the necessary skills to become a survivor… or will you become one of the many undead creatures that haunts your hometown? The choice is yours at the Way Late Play Date:… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Sicario translates as a “hitman” in Spanish. In the Lionsgate movie of the same name, it takes a certain type of personality to tackle the war on drugs near the Mexico-U.S. border, one which meshes perfectly with the… Continue Reading →

10 Tips For Your Next Dragon Con

Dragon Con has come and gone. As a first-year attendee, I learned some helpful tricks to navigate the throng of fandom. Here are a few tips for first time con-goers.

Cosplayer of the Month: Lemon Lali Cosplay

Per Matt Irish eyes are smiling for Lemon Lali’s costumes!

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