Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag cartoon panels

Will Disillusioned Fans Return for Rick and Morty: The Anime?

As a BIG fan of mad scientists and zany science-fiction adventures, I was immediately drawn to Rick and Morty on Day One.  The Adult Swim animated show was absolutely unique, even if it was initially based on Back to the… Continue Reading →

Michael Bonfiglio Asks: Who Are You, Charlie Brown?

Per Matt Charles Schulz was an American icon, and rightfully so. At its peak in popularity, his Peanuts comic strip was published daily in 2,600 newspapers in 75 countries and in 21 languages. His audience was the world; his characters… Continue Reading →

Closing Mad Magazine: What, Me Worry?

Per MattFor 67 years, Mad Magazine has been an irreverent mainstay, satirizing everything from politics to the entertainment industry. Soon, Mad will close up shop, wrapping up production on new content and with the permanent closing of its doors, I… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee Makes a Wizardly Appearance in Nashville

Per Matt When the name Stan Lee is mentioned, a variety of pop-culture references come to mind. For millennials, he’s the older gentleman making cameo appearances within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the older crowd, he might be remembered from… Continue Reading →

Danno Does Dragon Con!

In the spirit of adventure — and making poorly thought-out puns referencing a famous ’70s porno — Danno Does Dragon Con is happening. I’ve been gearing up for this all summer, working out schedules and plans, trying to wrangle interviews and… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Anomaly Cosplay

Per Matt They’ve been known for crafting entire costumes within three days in the past and together, Monique Fuqua and Kelli Smith team up as Anomaly Cosplay, our first Cosplayer of the Month for 2017!

Chattacon Pulls Into the Terminal for the 42nd Time This Weekend

Chattanooga has become a huge draw for those seeking outdoor adventure, or to witness the remarkable renaissance of the city’s downtown environs. This beautiful town has been frequently recognized as a great day-trip destination throughout the region, but this weekend… Continue Reading →

31 or How Rob Zombie Sucked Away Two Hours of My Life

Rob Zombie makes yet another film about aging rednecks and clowns. So, do you enjoy movies where the “hottie” (while still lovely) is closer to 50 than 20? How about films where absolutely none of the characters are likable? Maybe… Continue Reading →

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