Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Commissioner James Gordon

Batman: Caped Crusader Explores the Depth of a New Gotham

As a lifelong fan of Batman: The Animated Series, I find myself sharing the same excitement I felt as a child with my daughter as we watch it together. The show’s timeless appeal lies in its masterful storytelling, compelling characters… Continue Reading →

Aquaman: Diving Deep Into the Story

Unless you’d told me that James Cameron was really making the movie from Entourage Season 3, I never thought I would be this excited to see an Aquaman movie. The hero has often been the butt of jokes in shows… Continue Reading →

Solving a Murder Mystery in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight

Batman vs. Jack the Ripper. Bruce Wayne in the Victorian Era of Sherlock Holmes. A blimp coasting across the Gotham skyline. Steampunk style gadgets like a gas-powered grappling hook or Bat-motorcycle. Fans are in for a real treat when Batman:… Continue Reading →

Batman — The Telltale Series: An Innovative Exploration of the Batman Mythos

Ten minutes passed after the game concluded and I couldn’t stop thinking about my choices and their ramifications. I looked at the screen as it displayed my key decisions compared to the thousands of others who’ve already played through Episode… Continue Reading →

Batman: The Killing Joke — A Flawed Adaptation of the Dark Graphic Novel

What’s the opposite of ideal? What word represents the the most evil, dark-hearted, perverse version of a thing? What is the inverse of a paradigm?

Batman: Bad Blood Lacks a Good Premise

Batman has had quite a catalog in animation. Batman: The Animated Series gained high acclaim back in the ’90s. It accumulated eighty-five episodes, solidified Kevin Conroy’s career, while rejuvenating Mark Hamill’s and IGN named it the second greatest cartoon series… Continue Reading →

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