Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dark Fantasy

12 Anti-Christmas Movies of Christmas

Every December, television is awash with saccharine and joyous Christmas-themed entertainment, which is sometimes perfectly fine. But sometimes you just want to revel in darkness and despair, even during the most wonderful time of the year. With that in mind,… Continue Reading →

The Magic of Marvel Movies

Per Matt As Phase 3 unfolds for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the superhero movies that were once grounded within our own reality take a new direction. With the introduction of Doctor Strange, filmgoers take a trippy adventure exploring alternate dimensions through magic… Continue Reading →

“Cursed Child” is Harry Potter for a Grown-Up Generation

It had been a long time since I had stood in line in a Barnes & Noble at midnight. In fact, it had been almost a decade, and it had been for the very same beloved book series: Harry Potter. With… Continue Reading →

Surviving DragonCon 2012

Per My Brother: So far, it’s been a great convention season! Previously, I’d represented Zombies In My Blog at San Diego Comic-Con, and recently represented at DragonCon! The last time I visited DragonCon was in 1999 (when I was covering… Continue Reading →

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