Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dark wizard

A Wicked Review by Someone Who Hasn’t Seen the Stage Show

Before watching Jon Chu’s adaptation of Wicked, I felt like the only person who had never seen the famous Broadway musical. I didn’t grow up in a family that attended musicals, although we did enjoy the music from Cats and… Continue Reading →

Hocus Pocus 2 Has All the Charm of the First Film, But Will That Work in 2022?

October is upon us, for 2022. We can expect many horror films, family friendly spooks and pumpkin-spiced everything to envelope all the senses. I particularly love this season, ’cause of the opening of the annual haunted attractions and hayrides. But,… Continue Reading →

The Rings of Power is Not Your Father’s Lord of the Rings

Amazon Studios’ newest TV series, The Rings of Power, has been getting much attention. Like anything in the Internet Age, you either have to 100 percent hate or 100 percent love the show, as the Lords of Tweets and Outrage… Continue Reading →

Voldemort: Origins of the Heir Doesn’t Deliver as Expected

Welcome back to this edition of #HauntLife. Normally, you’ll see me either reviewing a low-grade B film or telling about my adventures in haunting. But this week, I was intrigued by a new fan-made film available for free on YouTube… Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Runaway Hit on Hulu?

What would you do if you discovered that your parents are supervillains? Well, if you’re a group of teenagers, you run away and call yourselves the Runaways.

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