Land o’ Goshen! It’s a good time to be a fan of the Western. With the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR 2) and the upcoming addition of Ashe to Overwatch, gamers can get a good idea of what… Continue Reading →
The new Lost in Space series on Netflix should be a lot more interesting than it is. The casting is great. The TV show is visually amazing. The special effects are fantastic, considering this isn’t a movie. Unfortunately, this show… Continue Reading →
Directors Brian Gerson and Joseph R. Davis’ third short horror film, Puppet, has gained some recognition in some of the small film festivals both domestically and abroad. It won Best Makeup in the First Quarter Enginuity Film Festival and was… Continue Reading →
So, Westworld… “Trippy,” as the kids say. The premise of this story, in case you didn’t happen to recall it from the now-dated film by the same name, or the trailers, is a high-tech Western-themed amusement park inhabited by androids,… Continue Reading →
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Film Masters Offers Seasonal Screams with Beast from Haunted Cave Special Edition
Per Matt Just in time for Halloween, Film Masters releases Beast from Haunted Cave Special Edition, which is sure to add some seasonal screams to the spooky season!