Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Electronic Voice Phenomenon

The Ghost Hunters Return: Who’s Watching?

If you’re a fan of the paranormal, you know all about Ghost Hunters. Originally airing on Syfy, Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes co-founded The Atlantic Paranormal Society (T.A.P.S.), while creating a certain set of rules for fellow paranormal researchers to… Continue Reading →

Haunted Live Proves That Real-Time TV Can Be Difficult

When it comes to paranormal television shows, I want to believe… but I’m still skeptical. Usually, I’m in it for the haunted history and entertainment value, but I take it with a grain of salt. So, when the Travel Channel… Continue Reading →

Studying the Ghosts From Our Past

Halloween is the primary time of year when people actually enjoy getting spooked. Horror movies, haunted houses and things that go bump in the night get pushed to the backburner during all other times, but for some people, the studying of spirits… Continue Reading →

Ghost Adventures Haunts The Bell Witch Cave

After 10 seasons, the Ghost Adventures Crew finally visited the Bell Witch Cave.

Nashville Haunted Handbook

Per Matt The Nashville Haunted Handbook is basically a must-have guidebook for any paranormal investigator within the Nashville area. It gives 100 spooky locations, included with a picture, directions to get get there, the location history, a ghost story and… Continue Reading →

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