Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Emily VanCamp

Digital Extras Bring Additional Value to Disney Plus

Per Matt I’ve enjoyed watching Pixar animated films at movie theaters for a long time, now, starting with Toy Story. And as a life-long fan of comic books, I haven’t missed any of the big-screen entries into the Marvel Cinematic… Continue Reading →

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Brings Backstories to Superhero Sidekicks

Per Matt You may recognize these titular superheroes, but you may have never realized how much you actually related to them. So far, throughout their big-screen outings within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sam Wilson (aka The Falcon, played by Anthony… Continue Reading →

What’s Next for Marvel’s Agent Carter?

Now that the dust has settled and the fallout of ABC cancelling Agent Carter has lessened, to a degree, what’s next for Agent Carter?

A Plea to Netflix: Pick Up Agent Carter!

With the death of Peggy Carter chronicled in Captain America: Civil War (and subsequently in an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode) and the recent cancellation of Marvel’s Agent Carter, has this iconic character finally stepped out of the spotlight from the Marvel Cinematic… Continue Reading →

Captain America: Civil War From a #TeamCap Perspective

Per Matt As if employing a Choose Your Own Adventure marketing campaign, Captain America: Civil War promotes itself as a movie where superheroes are fighting superheroes and you, the viewer, must choose a side. It’s catchy and effective, but ultimately, it boils… Continue Reading →

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