Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag episode commentary

Film Masters Unleashes the Blood Beast and Yvette Vickers!

You’ve got to hand it to Roger Corman: He sure knows how to make low-budget monster movies memorable! With Night of the Blood Beast Special Edition, Film Masters releases a new 4K restoration from original 35mm archival elements in a… Continue Reading →

A “Euro-Kinski” Double Feature Highlights Film Masters’ Halloween

All Hallows’ Eve always feels like the best time of year to watch a horror movie. I tend to go out of my way to find a variety of films that I’ve been planning to see, but never seemingly got… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Reintroduces Door-to-Door Maniac and Right Hand of the Devil!

In all of my years watching and enjoying movies, I never would have guessed that the Johnny Cash-Ronnie Howard team-up was just the pairing I needed to make my day. On August 27th, Film Masters will release a double dose… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Gets a Hankering for Some Hicksploitation

What’s a couple of black-and-white stories involving a Lolita-style romance, a lustful farmhand, a vengeful farmer, a bayou moonshiner, a shady policeman, a small-town floozie and a gold-digging stripper all have in common? They’re the latest feature films included in… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Truly Gets Tormented

Per Matt Nothing spells doom for a budding relationship quite like a supernatural curse from beyond the grave… or a visit from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 crew! Film Masters makes waves with a newly restored version of Tormented, which… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Features Two Roger Corman Classics on The Terror

Per Matt Ah, Roger Corman. If ever there was a filmmaker who could create more with less, it’s clearly him. Now, suppose you wanted to crank out an entire movie within two days on a whim with zero budget… then,… Continue Reading →

The Complete Story of Film is Innovative, Emotional and Opinionated

Per Matt William Goldman once said, “Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work.” Amen to that. The Oscar-winning screenwriter/quote machine knew the Hollywood risk-to-reward ratio was a fickle thing, one… Continue Reading →

BattleBots Better Bring Back the Bot Whisperer!

Per Matt BattleBots‘ road to World Championship VII was a brutal one, fanning flames of destruction throughout the year while drivers fine-tuned their robots for the final tournament, but something felt a little off that I couldn’t quite figure out… Continue Reading →

What’s in Store for AMC’s FearFest?

Each year, I patiently await October’s arrival for multiple reasons and this year, I was especially curious to see what AMC’s FearFest had in store for fans in the mood for some Halloween scares.

Red Machete: The Walking Dead’s Digital Series for a Tool

Tools of the trade in survival mechanics are incredibly important, but is a multi-part digital series devoted toward a weapon of destruction must-watch material? Apparently, the filmmakers of AMC’s The Walking Dead think so. Here’s our commentary about the first… Continue Reading →

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