Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag experimental therapy

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts for A Different Man

A24’s A Different Man is essentially the male counterpart of The Substance. Both films explore the societal pressures on individuals and how these pressures influence our actions, particularly regarding our appearances. The Substance explores America’s obsession with life-altering drugs and… Continue Reading →

A24’s Heretic: A Wickedly Clever Sermon from Heaven or Hell?

The year 2024 has emerged as a significant period for religious horror. Notable films such as Immaculate and The First Omen exhibit several parallels, particularly in their explorations of a familiar narrative: the impending arrival of the Antichrist. As a… Continue Reading →

Skinwalker’s Still Strange: The Setbacks of Season 5

When it comes to TV watching, my habits are a little different. I’ll always set a season pass on my DVR for something I’m interested in checking out. I’ll either watch a program live (if I have enough stamina to… Continue Reading →

Baby Reindeer: A Real-Life Exploration of Stalking and Trauma

Every now and again, Netflix gets people talking. During the pandemic, it was Tiger King. Then came the dystopian-survival thriller, Squid Game. Whether it is funny or shocking, some shows find fame due to word of mouth. The latest example… Continue Reading →

I’m Hooked on Evil and Can’t Wait for Season 2!

Per Matt The origins of real-life evil can be difficult to track, but defining CBS’ television series of the same name may be just as difficult.

Who the F*#% is Deadpool?

He’s hyper-violent. He’s crude. He’s insane. And yet people love him. He’s Deadpool. But who the fuck is Deadpool, anyway?

Minority Report

Thirteen years after Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg paired up to make a movie based on the Phillip K. Dick short story, Minority Report returns to the small screen.

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