Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Seductively Steamy Babygirl Lets Nicole Kidman Loose

Just in time for the holiday season, Babygirl‘s December 25th release showcases dark fantasies, pulse-pounding exhilaration, sexual roleplay and workplace politics within a rigid environment. You might as well wish the ongoing awards season a Merry XXXMas!

The Penguin is the Most Compelling Character on TV Today

The Penguin is one of Batman’s most underrated villains, and it’s honestly a shame that he doesn’t get more recognition. While villains like Joker and Bane grab all the attention, Oswald Cobblepot brings a unique blend of intellect, sophistication and… Continue Reading →

Despite an Impressive Cast, Argylle Loses its Grip on Reality

Spy movies consistently achieve success, appealing to a broad audience by offering a mix of elements that moviegoers crave: intrigue, mystique, action and adventure. Introducing a touch of tongue-in-cheek humor further solidifies their potential as great franchises, as evidenced by… Continue Reading →

Does Bob’s Burgers Deserve a Movie?

Per Matt Preparing for The Bob’s Burgers Movie, I took a deep dive into my DVR. You see, I’ve been a fan of the show ever since its FOX premiere 12 years ago, but I’ve been slacking lately. With 65… Continue Reading →

Derrickson’s Decision: Abandoning Strange Madness for Labyrinth Sequel

Per Matt Scott Derrickson’s Strange trip into the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to have ended almost as quickly as it began.

The Slashening is a Killer Genre Parody

The Slashening is another raunchy and boisterous take on a horror subgenre from Troma Entertainment. The story follows five young women during a night get-together who are in peril of being slashed by a masked assailant. The plot seems like… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Story Presented by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt You may remember the major award, Aunt Clara’s ridiculous Christmas present, the schoolyard bully with yellow eyes, the unique Christmas meal and the triple-dog dare, but seeing it all, come to life on stage is an incredible experience… Continue Reading →

Glamour Geek Revue Interview: Talloolah Love

Per Matt Dragon Con 2013 offers a burlesque variety show that reveals a wide-range of characters!

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