Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag fight card

Film Masters Embraces Martial Arts with The Crippled Masters

Long before Dana White expanded the popularity of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), there was a different type of mixed martial arts craze in America. During the ’60s and the ’70s, the chopsocky subgenre (sometimes referred to as Bruceploitation) was… Continue Reading →

Necessary Change Brings Hope to BattleBots’ Season 12

Per Matt If you love something or someone that brings you nothing but pain, your life choices basically boil down to two options: Tolerate the uncomfortable moments as long as humanly possible the best you can or make a change… Continue Reading →

Bullet Proof’s White-Knuckle Action Cures the Summertime Blues

Summer action films are somewhat of a mainstay. I love a good, mindless film where there’s plenty of fights, car chases, explosions and guns. I don’t think I am alone in that assessment. Not every film has to be an… Continue Reading →

Mortal Kombat Proves It Is Still a Viable Film Franchise

I think I grew up in the best of times, when it came to being a gaming geek. One of the first gifts I remember receiving for Christmas was the Atari 2600. Soon after that came the Nintendo. It seemed… Continue Reading →

COVID Complications Can’t Close BattleBots

Per Matt When the global pandemic was first spreading like wildfire earlier this year, I knew the entertainment industry would soon face some drastic changes. Little did I realize consuming overpriced popcorn and watered-down Cokes at movie theaters would be… Continue Reading →

As the Playoffs Begin, BattleBots Gets Real!

Per Matt As a long-time fan of robot-fighting competitions (and robots in general), I’ve been both entertained and confused by BattleBots in the past: Entertained by the ingenuity and creative output these builders all have on display. Entertained by the… Continue Reading →

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