The Sharknado franchise uses unconventional storytelling techniques by combining weather catastrophe and monster movie genres to form a survival horror, sci-fi disaster movie that’s become one of the biggest TV movie franchises The Asylum has ever created and Syfy has… Continue Reading →
A storm’s a brewing on Fear The Walking Dead and it’s not just the developing storyline in Season 4.
Leviathan. The Kraken. Moby Dick. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Jaws. Shark Week. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. Sharknado. The Shallows. 47 Meters Down. The Meg. And Aquaman will release later this year. Throughout the years, good stories that… Continue Reading →
Much like Thanos seeking to gather all the Infinity stones throughout Avengers: Infinity War, so has the Disney empire sought to secure the rights to the outstanding Marvel comic book properties. And after Comcast faded from the bidding war this… Continue Reading →
I have to be honest. I didn’t watch the first Unfriended until a few days ago. It was probably OK on a big screen. But when you use much of your time typing, instead of acting, you need type big… Continue Reading →
With the official announcement that Zombieland 2 has gotten the greenlight, we’re wondering if Director Ruben Fleischer will write all-new rules for horror sequels? Or will he merely prove 10 years later, that all sequels suck?
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