Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag friendly monsters

Fall in Love with Your Monster

Your Monster is a genre-bending film written and directed by talented filmmaker Caroline Lindy. It premiered at Sundance 2024 in the midnight slot, normally reserved for horror films. Other than the fact that it only took $300k to make and… Continue Reading →

The Wild Robot is the Must-See Animated Feature of the Year!

There has been considerable Oscar buzz surrounding DreamWorks Animation’s The Wild Robot from critics who have previewed it in the film festival circuit. While I have not traditionally followed the nominees for a best-animated film, the extensive acclaim for this… Continue Reading →

Rob Zombie’s Munsters Isn’t As Bad As You Think

Rob Zombie is an incredibly polarizing filmmaker. You either love his work or despise anything the man has ever put to screen. House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects are the only two films he made that get a… Continue Reading →

Hocus Pocus 2 Has All the Charm of the First Film, But Will That Work in 2022?

October is upon us, for 2022. We can expect many horror films, family friendly spooks and pumpkin-spiced everything to envelope all the senses. I particularly love this season, ’cause of the opening of the annual haunted attractions and hayrides. But,… Continue Reading →

Rumble is a Spectacularly Average Kid’s Movie

I am a fan of professional wrestling. There is very little that I do not love about sports entertainment. And why would I? It has violence, freaks of nature, pageantry and colorful characters that are over the top, but still… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee’s Origin Story is Revealed in Mutants, Monsters & Marvels

Lazy Sundays aren’t solely reserved for The Lonely Island. They’re the perfect time to clean out your DVR with programming you’ve really wanted to watch, but never actually made time for. So, while sipping on my Sunday morning coffee, I… Continue Reading →

The Addams Family Gets an Animated Makeover at the Box Office

The Addams Family has been a staple in the “fun and whimsical” sitcom genre as long as I can remember. As a kid, I was first exposed to the kooky family by watching Scooby-Doo, in which the family made several… Continue Reading →

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