Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Good Universe

Good Boys is Superbad For Tweens

Per Matt What does a missing drone, stolen illegal drugs and a kissing party have in common? Each one involves the Beanbag boys, who star in the hilarious, raunchy comedy, Good Boys.

Don’t Breathe: A Reflection of Fear in Society

Looking back on any given movie of a certain time period is a good way to discover the values that society had held during that time. Moreover, horror movies, in particular, have displayed common allegories that give clues into the… Continue Reading →

A Tame Second Visit by the Neighbors

Per Matt Knocked Up. Superbad. Pineapple Express. This is the End. The Night Before. When you think of a “Seth Rogen film,” what comes to mind? A raunchy comedy with a side of illegal drugs can generally sum up the… Continue Reading →

The Night Before

Per Matt What happens when Falcon, Robin and The Green Hornet join forces with General Zod? You’ve got plenty of holiday-inspired shenanigans and a big-time party!

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