Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters


Rogue One: A Star Wars Backstory

The Star Wars franchise is booming. It was just four short years ago when Disney bought out Lucasfilm and brought a new spark to this iconic movie franchise. Last year, The Force Awakens’ success gave new hope (pun intended) to… Continue Reading →

Pokémon Go: The Benefits and the Detriments

If you haven’t heard about Pokémon Go by now, then let me be the first to congratulate you for coming out of your coma. If somehow you’ve been lucid the past three weeks and still wonder what has been going… Continue Reading →

Halo: Nightfall

Per Matt Microsoft Studios seems to be serious about filming quality entertainment for the video-game crowd.

Halo 4

Per Matt While Master Chief hopes to Finish the Fight, 343 Industries (and as an extension, Microsoft) has different plans…

Redbox Rental: Halo 4 – Forward Unto Dawn

I’ve played the majority of the Halo games, from Halo: Combat Evolved through Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (minus Halo Wars), and I’m already hyped to play Halo 4. I’d seen some of the pre-release vignettes and they sparked my interest…. Continue Reading →

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