Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Hurricane Katrina

Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story is a Love Letter to Louisiana

Per Matt Jazz music can be rock and roll, but it can also include rhythm and blues, funk, gospel and soul. Jazz is all of this and more. As a style, it is all encompassing. Originating within the United States,… Continue Reading →

Black as Night Welcomes Vampires to the Blumhouse

Per Matt Vampires can be complicated creatures. They could simply be bloodsuckers fighting for survival, they could be moody teenagers or they can work on multiple social levels. Welcome to the Blumhouse brings these latter story elements into the horror… Continue Reading →

Apocalypse Earth Brings Extreme Weather to Life

Per Matt A man walks into a bar in Louisiana and asks for a Corona and two hurricanes. The bartended replies, “That’ll be $20.20.”

Frist Art Museum Remembers The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later

Per Matt When the rain came, Nashville was never the same. Currently appearing at the Frist Art Museum through May 17, The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later recalls the Great Flood of 2010, which, for the most part, went underreported… Continue Reading →

Dead Rising: Watchtower

Per Matt When it comes to video-game adaptations for the big screen, sadly, there’s been more failures than blockbusters, but that track record won’t stop Hollywood from trying to break the ongoing trend. With the arrival of digital distribution, the… Continue Reading →

Discovery Channel’s How Will The World End?

It’s the End of the World, as we know it… but how will it really end? The Mayans were way off. This psuedo-documentary presents five possible cataclysmic scenarios that might actually happen… at some point.

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