Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag hustler

American Horror Story: Double Feature Brings Vamps “By the Sea” in Red Tide

Vampires never really receive full credit as characters. Sure, at one point in time, they used to be human beings who had feelings. But after a hideous transformation, they’ve become bloodsucking killers with one-track minds. The Twilight franchise proved that… Continue Reading →

Organized Crime Gets Bumped Off as Harlem’s Godfather Hits the Streets

Per Matt Organized crime. Gangsters. The Mafia. Crime lords. The kingpin. A mob boss. Hitmen. A made man. Wise guys. Every element depicting the true-crime aspect of America’s (and Italy’s) not-long-ago past always intrigues me, so I was very curious… Continue Reading →

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode Two – Atlas Mugged

Tales from the Borderlands returns with more thieves, conspirators and hustlers seeking untold riches in Episode Two: Atlas Mugged.

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