Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag independent cinema

Alien Planet Deploys The-Enemy-of-My-Enemy-is-My-Friend Ideology

Frenemy is a term that has been used by teenagers across generations, encompassing various meanings. It can refer to someone you genuinely dislike, but pretend to get along with, or it can describe the collaboration between natural adversaries to defeat… Continue Reading →

What’s Under the Bridge of the Doomed?

Throughout most of the 2010s, a Zombie Apocalypse was the most overused plot device in all media. You couldn’t get away from the undead (kinda fitting, when you think about it). On TV we had shows like The Walking Dead,… Continue Reading →

Do Film Critics Still Matter? For the Love of Movies…

Per Matt Since the 95th Academy Awards takes place tonight, I thought it was the appropriate time to finally watch a documentary that has been impatiently awaiting my attention, sitting deep within my DVR. Released almost 14 years ago, Boston… Continue Reading →

The Zompocalypse Therapy Sessions Beats Pandemic Movie Fatigue with Comedy

In 2020, the world was placed on hold due to the global pandemic. And ever since, filmmakers have used this outbreak as a basis for the stories they bring to the masses. The trend has sparked a new subgenre called… Continue Reading →

Occupation: Rainfall is a Shining Gem in a Sea of Drab Netflix Offerings

Now that awards season is in its final lap, I am starting to go back to one of my guilty pleasures: watching independent, mindless action films. When I say mindless, I am not saying the cast and crew behind the… Continue Reading →

Look Out! Vincent Price Brings a Macabre Mystery to The Bat!

Per Matt Vincent Price. Those two simple words conjure up some of the spookiest, most horrific memories of watching memorable movies throughout my life. I have a deep love for the macabre and this actor absolutely symbolized everything that I… Continue Reading →

LeVar Burton and Scary Influencers: Welcome to the Nashville Film Festival!

The Nashville Film Festival brings out some of the big guns today, as the fest officially begins its weekend programming with a strong start. Are you a Child of the ’80s? You’ll definitely enjoy the retrospective of Butterfly in the… Continue Reading →

Hidden Horror Gem: Shark Bait

It’s much too late to discuss Shark Week. Already missed out on Sharkfest, too. And even though it’s a little early for Halloween, there’s definitely enough time to go back into the water one more time before the temperature drops…. Continue Reading →

Behold the Terrors of The Brain from Planet Arous!

Per Matt In 1957, a black-and-white cinematic cult classic was released featuring a giant, floating, megalomaniacal, sex-crazed brain from outer space. Audiences may not have crowned the indie film a blockbuster back in the day, but 65 years later, The… Continue Reading →

From Porno to Pulp: A24’s X Enjoys Pleasure Before Pain

Per Matt What happens when an aspiring group of entrepreneurs films a pornographic movie on a rural Texas farm without revealing the finer details to the property’s owners? A24 Films’ latest release, X, exposes its true themes as it repositions… Continue Reading →

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