Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Insidious: Chapter 3

Insidious Opens Up My Guilty Pleasure With The Last Key

Per Matt I’m not gonna lie. I was blown away by the original Insidious, which was released back in 2011. Since then, I’ve become a Blumhouse superfan, not only of the production company’s individual releases and subsequent movie franchises, but… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse to Revive Universal’s Classic Monster Movies

In a surprise announcement that seemed to come straight out of thin air, Blumhouse Productions announced the studio will revive Universal’s classic creature features, so where does that leave the Dark Universe?

Bring Back More History of Horror!

If you could go to a film school where actors, authors, film editors, critics, scholars, producers and screenwriters explained the importance of movies throughout history, you’d jump at the chance to hear Greg Nicotero, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen King, John Landis, Jason… Continue Reading →

Ouija: Origin of Evil Conjures Nostalgia

So, a priest, a 9-year-old and a Ouija board walk into a bar… and basically, that sums up the second installment of Ouija. I actually really enjoyed the film. It was a great improvement from the original. It was definitely… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

Insidious: Chapter 3

I’m always hesitant whenever a film franchise that I actually enjoy (which is rare enough) swaps out directors in subsequent installments. Sadly, the path of those future movies (as well as their overall quality) always seem to be going down… Continue Reading →

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