Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag intertwined stories

Star Wars Anoints a New Era with The Acolyte

Family bonds run tight throughout the Star Wars Universe, beginning with the Skywalkers within the Original Trilogy, later stretching into the prequel trilogy and the Solos and the Palpatines wrapping up the Sequel Trilogy. Those ties continue, possibly even stronger,… Continue Reading →

Ghosts’ Bed and Breakfast Meets Maximum Capacity

A house doesn’t have to be haunted in order for lingering spirits to be attached to the property. I believe in guardian angels, as well as mischievous souls stuck in Purgatory. Growing up in a very old farmhouse (which is… Continue Reading →

Snoop, Shatner and a Sharknado Reunion Spotlight Shark Week ’21

Per Matt Still drying off from the splash zone of Discovery’s Shark Week, the 2021 edition dove to new depths for highlights galore. But before discussing the new, let’s swim with the fishes of the network’s offerings of yesteryear.

Wonder Woman and the Definition of the Modern-Day Superhero

Per Matt Throughout the years, different types of heroes have emerged. Those of the 1930s were vastly different from those of the early ’80s, the ’90s and even today. Superheroes reveal the story of America, so, what exactly does the… Continue Reading →

You Better Watch Out, ‘Cause Krampus is Coming to Town: A Christmas Horror Story Review

If you are the kind of person who enjoys horror anthologies, A Christmas Horror Story will be a fun, cozy watch this Christmas. Slightly nontraditional to the anthology format, the directors interweave each story. So, you watch a few minutes… Continue Reading →

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