Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Jennifer Jason Leigh

No Electronics and No Sleep Haunt the Netflix Flick, Awake

Per Matt Years ago, I had a sleep disorder. I’ve always been a light sleeper, but at one point insomnia was a regular part of my life. That was definitely a difficult time for me, but with some lifestyle changes,… Continue Reading →

Technology Goes Dark and Bloody in Possessor

We live in a world that both owns and is owned by technology. Everywhere you look, tech controls so much. Think about your day, today. When you woke up, you were probably awakened by either your smartphone or smart clock…. Continue Reading →

Twin Peaks: The Return Is Beautifully Weird

There are few sins worse in pop culture these days than not grasping the current zeitgeist stemming out of a new (or old) piece of content. Indeed, it’s nearly blasphemous as a pop-culture writer to admit a certain ignorance with… Continue Reading →

The Definitive Summer 2017 Horror Movie List

It’s hot, you didn’t want to wear your pants anyway… right, so why not watch something that will scare your pants right off you? Here is my list of the top horror films coming out soon that should be on… Continue Reading →

Quentin Tarantino and The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino’s 8th film, The Hateful Eight, follows in the same genre as his last film. Moreover, this is the third film in a row that the Oscar-winning director has chosen to use a non-contemporary setting. It makes sense that… Continue Reading →

The 2016 Golden Globes Nominations From a Geek’s Perspective

Per Matt The nominations have been announced for the 2016 Golden Globes awards ceremony and surprisingly, geek culture was embraced with the list. Here’s a quick look at the potential award winners, from a geek’s perspective.

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