Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Secret Level Ambitiously Honors Gaming of All Formats

Warhammer 40,000 is the current hobby of choice in my household, rekindling a passion that began in the 1990s when the game was first released. Back then, I was captivated by the intricate miniatures, deep strategy and rich lore, but… Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Fallout Series is Utterly Irresistible

There’s something utterly irresistible about the Fallout video game series that keeps me hooked like a Nuka-Cola addict in the wasteland. It’s like stepping into a time machine that’s gone haywire, hurling me into a future that’s both bizarrely ’50s… Continue Reading →

Free Guy is Probably the Best Gaming Movie Ever Made

Ryan Reynolds has one of the most “geek and gamer approved” resumes in Hollywood. Reynolds continues to shine as a beacon of light in the nerd community, an actor who looks like he was destined for romantic comedies, playing the… Continue Reading →

Sex, Drugs and Rivalries: Game Changers Fights the Video Game Wars

Per Matt Long before virtual reality, mobile games, MMORGs and LAN parties, you could find groundbreaking arcade game cabinets at your local gas station, bowling alley, roller skating rink and even department store, hoping to cash in on the fad…. Continue Reading →

Ready Player One? Ready for Nostalgia!

Per Matt When a friend asked me the premise for Ready Player One, I sarcastically replied with the following two sentences: Have you ever heard of Steven Spielberg? And have you ever played a video game before?

The Grand Ole Gameroom Expo Levels Up for 2017

Per Matt More than 200 pinball games and video games from throughout the years will be set to free play and will be available to be enjoyed with a sense of nostalgia, alongside plenty of newer games as the Grand… Continue Reading →

Games Horror Fans Should Be Playing On Steam

Welcome back to another fun-filled episode of #Hauntlife. This week, yours truly will be reviewing several video games I recently picked up online via the gaming network Steam.

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