Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Malcolm Barrett

The End is Near for Preacher

Whether it’s judgement day, doomsday or simply the Apocalypse, the end is near for Preacher. Figuratively and literally.

Once Again, Preacher Defies Definition as a TV Show

Jesse just wants his soul back. Tulip just wants to escape Gran’ma. Cass just wants to be with Tulip. A cult of wannabe vampires just wants everlasting life. Herr Starr just wants Jesse as his Messiah for a new world…. Continue Reading →

Take a Trip to Dimension 404

My favorite thing to watch is a good anthology series. Hands down, I will binge watch an anthology every opportunity I’m given. That’s why I couldn’t believe I had missed Hulu’s answer to The Outer Limits, Dimension 404.

Time Traveling for a Brighter Future

If you could prevent a new disaster from happening in the past, but in the process mess things up for the future, would you do it? This type of Terminator-meets-Back to the Future time-travel paradox presents itself within Timeless.

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