Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Mark Wahlberg

Government Coverup or Con Job: Gold, Lies & Videotape!

I love me a good controversy. I absolutely adore lost history and government coverups. And when all of those stories collide, they’re all the better. Gold, Lies & Videotape is the byproduct of one such mashup. The truth is seemingly… Continue Reading →

The Orville Season 2, So Far

I had been looking forward to the return of The Orville on television. I had enjoyed much of the first season and often watched it with my dad, who’s a big fan of sci-fi like the old Star Trek.

Joe’s Five Favorite Films of 2018

Superhero movies, thrilling horror films, actually funny comedies, soft reboots and sequels — 2018 was a good year for movies. I think my stack of ticket stubs from theaters is much larger compared to any of the past few years.

Even John Cena Can’t Save Daddy’s Home 2

Daddy’s Home 2 reunites Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg for more slapstick humor. This time around, Mel Gibson and John Lithgow join the cast playing their respective fathers. They all decide to join up and have one big Christmas so… Continue Reading →

Anticipating The Last Knight, Cluelessly

I’m a pretty forgiving Transformers fan. I’ve been able to enjoy the Michael Bay films for what they are. That is to say that what they are could generally be described as a film-tech circle-jerk following a Cliffs Notes version… Continue Reading →

Daddy’s Home

Per Matt Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg fight for the affection of their family in Daddy’s Home.

Redbox Rental: ted

Poor, poor John Bennett.

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