Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Martha Wayne

Gotham Knights May Be The CW’s Best Superhero Show, Yet

The CW Network has been a bountiful harvest for comic book fans for the past decade. Starting with the Arrow series, the channel has expanded upon the DC comic book world, creating what is now known as the Arrowverse. Additionally,… Continue Reading →

Pennyworth: A Fun, Yet Unfocused Batman Prequel

Epix’s new series, Pennyworth, tries to be too many things at once and like the title character, doesn’t quite know where fate is leading him.

EPIX Gives Bruce Wayne (and Alfred) a Backstory With Pennyworth

Per Matt As Gotham‘s television series winds down, EPIX is just getting started in exploring Bruce Wayne’s family tree in the upcoming TV show, Pennyworth.

LEGO Batman: The Better Bat-Story We Deserve

It would be an oversimplification to say that the Lego Batman Movie delivered a more creative story than Batman v Superman. But it did. It would be unfair to say that fans will find more Batman culture and nostalgia in… Continue Reading →

Batman — The Telltale Series: Allies and Enemies

Some say that a person is the average of the people with whom they spend the most time. In the case of Batman, it is one interesting group. Batman – The Telltale Series: City of Light masterfully concludes the five-part… Continue Reading →

Mad City Takes Hold in Gotham

It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world in Gotham City.

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