Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag meme

Nicolas Cage Annihilates Animatronics in Willy’s Wonderland

Imagine you have been hired to work inside a themed restaurant. All you’ve got to do is be the the overnight janitor. Sounds easy, right? No one to bother you. All you have to do is clean up the place,… Continue Reading →

Letting in The Babadook

Per Matt Interpretive horror films are the best. Sure, it can be frustrating no knowing exactly what has happened, since you never actually see the storyline play out on the screen, but it’s much better than being beaten over the… Continue Reading →

Why, Marvel, Why? (or How Captain America Broke Our Hearts)

It really isn’t fair, what Marvel has done to us Cap fans. No, I’m not talking about Internet videos of Chris Evans being fabulously handsome. I’m talking about Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 and the terrible punch in the gut… Continue Reading →

DragonConTV Interview: Brian Richardson

Per Matt Throughout the years, Dragon Con attendees have enjoyed countless parodies, music videos, celebrity interviews, panel highlights and event commentary via DragonConTV. Whether you’ve watched them before or after panel presentations, via the convention’s host hotels or the highlights… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Returns Meme

Saw this random The Walking Dead Returns Meme and it made me smile this morning…

Speaking of The Walking Dead…

It’s on tonight! So…

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