If you know me, you know that I have a taste for action movies and horror flicks. A few times in history these genres have overlapped with one another. Even fewer have been successful. Most of the time, horror-action films… Continue Reading →
Hollywood is running out of ideas. Seriously, just look at weekend releases for most of the year and try to find two in a row without a franchise movie release. So far, we have gotten a new or debut installment… Continue Reading →
There is no media company, or entertainment company in general, quite as big as The Walt Disney Company. The company, which owns ABC, ESPN and a number of other networks, studios and theme parks, made a net income of $9.39… Continue Reading →
Per Matt I’ve always been a big fan of Joe Bob Briggs. From watching him on TV in Joe Bob’s Drive-In Movie, to Monstervision, to The Daily Show, it’s been clear that he’s a big-time movie fan. Recently, at the… Continue Reading →
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Conjuring Up My Guilty Pleasure: The Devil Made Me Do It
Per Matt Fall has finally arrived. The weather is officially cooler and the spooky season is fast approaching. This is my favorite time of the year. Being able to enjoy each of the four seasons is one of the reasons… Continue Reading →