Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag My Geek Goddess

Previewing Wizard World Comic Con Fort Lauderdale 2015

Fans from around South Florida will unite to celebrate their love of all things geek and pop culture as Wizard World Comic Con invades Fort Lauderdale at the Broward Convention Center on October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2015.

Cosplayer of the Month: Manda Bear

Per Matt Manda Bear does it all. She’s a self-taught seamstress and fabricator who makes her own costumes, she’s won some cosplay awards, she’s judged some costume contests and she attends conventions when she gets a chance. She’s also our… Continue Reading →

Geek Goddess Interview: Solara

Per Matt Solara may be a big fan of Sailor Moon, but she’s also got a dark side. When she’s not modeling for Geek Goddess, she’s also a special-effects artist, creating the blood and gore for different horror movies. At… Continue Reading →

Geek Goddess Interview: Alice Malice

Per Matt She’s a cosplayer, she’s a Whovian and she loves comics! She’s Alice Malice and she recently made a rare appearance outside the state of Florida, appearing at Dragon Con with Geek Goddess. Check out our interview to find… Continue Reading →

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