Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Paperbacks From Hell: The Twisted History of ’70s and ’80s Horror Fiction

I always approach A24 films cautiously. While most of the movies from the studio offer an experimental approach, sometimes the themes leave me feeling a certain type of undesirable way. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely appreciate this level of… Continue Reading →

Reenlisting The A-Team, MeTV is On the Jazz!

Per Matt “I love it when a plan comes together.” Those eight words epitomize one of television’s biggest pop-culture sensations during the ’80s. Beginning in 1983, I was introduced to my very first antiheroes and for five seasons, I never… Continue Reading →

What’s in Store for AMC’s FearFest?

Each year, I patiently await October’s arrival for multiple reasons and this year, I was especially curious to see what AMC’s FearFest had in store for fans in the mood for some Halloween scares.

What’s the Sequel Limit for Michael Myers?

Per Matt If you don’t believe in the bogeyman by now… you should. And he’s damn near unstoppable. The Saga of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode returns for not one, but two more movies to wrap up the reboot trilogy,… Continue Reading →

Closing Mad Magazine: What, Me Worry?

Per MattFor 67 years, Mad Magazine has been an irreverent mainstay, satirizing everything from politics to the entertainment industry. Soon, Mad will close up shop, wrapping up production on new content and with the permanent closing of its doors, I… Continue Reading →

Paperbacks From Hell is a Killer Read

Per Matt Growing up, long before dial-up modems were a thing and the internet was confined to the military’s ARPANET, the only way to access the information superhighway was by visiting the neighborhood drug store, grocery store and bookstore, where… Continue Reading →

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