Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Patrick Fugit

Treadstone Reawakens Cold War Fears

Members of the CIA are running an unsanctioned global operation — some would call it a criminal syndicate — and “America wants to win.” If that doesn’t sum up 10 episodes of Treadstone, which basically tells the origin story of… Continue Reading →

Ryan Gosling (and Damien Chazelle) Aim for the Moon in First Man

Per Matt First Man is being hyped as a critically acclaimed movie that depicts Neil Armstrong’s fated journey in becoming the first man to walk on the moon, but it’s really just a complicated tale about a man who overcomes… Continue Reading →

What’s Going On With Outcast?

Last summer, I binge watched this TV show everyone online was telling me I HAD to watch: Outcast. Outcast is the story about Kyle Barnes, who has the ability to cast demons out of people.

Outcast is a Subtly Scary Slow-Burn

Outcast has some very big shoes to fill. The second TV series based on a graphic novel series by The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman didn’t have to rely on a big Hollywood name to get off the ground, and as… Continue Reading →

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