Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag profanity

Hazbin Hotel Hopes to Redeem Your Soul

Cartoons have transcended the traditional audience of kids. I recall the uproar among parent groups when The Simpsons premiered during my younger days. As I transitioned to college, South Park and Family Guy faced similar scrutiny for their adult-oriented content…. Continue Reading →

The End is Near for Preacher

Whether it’s judgement day, doomsday or simply the Apocalypse, the end is near for Preacher. Figuratively and literally.

Defining Deadpool: A Sarcastic Superhero’s Portrayal

Per Matt A lot of people are already throwing around the words “game changer” in reference to the upcoming FOX movie that breaks the fourth wall, but I wholeheartedly disagree. After attending a media screening for Deadpool last week, I… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Story Presented by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt You may remember the major award, Aunt Clara’s ridiculous Christmas present, the schoolyard bully with yellow eyes, the unique Christmas meal and the triple-dog dare, but seeing it all, come to life on stage is an incredible experience… Continue Reading →

Golan the Insatiable

Graduating from FOX’s ADHD and moving into primetime, Golan the Insatiable looks to hook viewers as it moves into the network’s Sunday-night lineup, along with The Simpsons and Family Guy.

Redbox Rental: ted

Poor, poor John Bennett.

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