Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Black Panther Refers to a Black Panther — Somehow People Are Offended

If there were an international ranking for time spent being offended about things, the U.S. would lead with about the same margin we have on our defense spending.

Wonder Woman: No Promotion for the Amazonian Warrior

Wonder Woman’s solo movie is being released on June 2, 2017. Raise your hand if you knew that’s the date it’s coming coming out. Most of the geek fandom probably knows that. But what about the rest of the public?… Continue Reading →

Studying the Ghosts From Our Past

Halloween is the primary time of year when people actually enjoy getting spooked. Horror movies, haunted houses and things that go bump in the night get pushed to the backburner during all other times, but for some people, the studying of spirits… Continue Reading →

American Ultra

Per Matt As one big mash-up, American Ultra never seems to fully explore each genre it employs.

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