Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Treadstone Reawakens Cold War Fears

Members of the CIA are running an unsanctioned global operation — some would call it a criminal syndicate — and “America wants to win.” If that doesn’t sum up 10 episodes of Treadstone, which basically tells the origin story of… Continue Reading →

17776: A Brilliant and Thoughtful Sci-Fi Story About Football

There is something terribly wrong. The screen repeats it again, over and over. Something is terribly wrong. The black font size increases, overlapping, blocking out everything else. And then my screen faded to black. What just happened to my phone?

Ruminating on The Leftovers Finale

I watched The Leftovers final episode last Sunday, hoping for the satisfying ending that Lost never gave me, and though I’m not sure Lindelhoff gave me much resolution, I can say this finale has been stewing around in my head almost constantly… Continue Reading →

Westworld: One Theory Down, Many More to Go

This week’s episode of Westworld has flipped everything on its head. For anyone not caught up with HBO’s new and exciting sci-fi drama, this is the point where you should stop reading.

Redbox Rental: Prometheus

I’ve been looking forward to watching this flick for a very long time, now. It is a treat to see a good movie via Redbox, once in a while, instead of my usual direct-to-video nonsense. And it’s been a very… Continue Reading →

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