Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag random events

An Unpredictably Absurdist Comedy? That’s Rats!

Absurdist comedies thrive on the illogical, surreal and nonsensical, often rejecting conventional storytelling in favor of unpredictability, exaggeration and unsettling imagery. They appeal to those who enjoy the subversion of traditional narratives, the shock of randomness or the deeper satire… Continue Reading →

William Shatner vs. Ancient Aliens: History’s Greatest Crossover

Per Matt William Shatner never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like (at least while appearing on reality TV). So, when the pop-culture icon appeared on Ancient Aliens last week to debate the ancient astronaut theory, the two-hour long episode… Continue Reading →

Quarantine Life Provokes More Ghost Adventures

Per Matt What happens to paranormal investigators who rile up dark entities during the high-panic and high-anxiety times of a pandemic? That’s a topic the Ghost Adventures Crew hopes to explore during the four-part miniseries, Quarantine: Perimeter of Fear.

Season Finale Peels Back Skinwalker Ranch’s Secrets

Per Matt Animal mutilations. Strange sicknesses. Bizarre lights. Black helicopters. Random radiation spikes (and the subsequent burns). A secret chamber full of unknown bones and unidentified flying objects. The Secret to Skinwalker Ranch attempts to expose the truth behind it… Continue Reading →

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency Takes You On A Journey

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is quirky, random and filled with dry humor. It feels like a Quentin Tarantino or Coen Brothers production, but with more charm. That seems to fit the description of Douglas Adams’ style. It is based… Continue Reading →

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